Although a priori it seems very distant, until very recently, brands were betting on the great influencers to reach new potential customers. However, this trend is changing.

Social networks have brought us in recent years a new profession: content creators . According to a report published by SignalFire, "more than 50 million people around the world consider themselves creators." These people have a smaller community than the big influencers, but very well defined in terms of tastes, interests or ways of seeing life.

Throughout this year, social networks have been launching different functions so that these content creators can monetize their work . In this way, any person or brand can support them. And that is precisely the path set by trends in social networks in 2022.

Businesses should support the work of content creators to grow their own community. Obviously, it's not about collaborating with just any content creator. They should first do a preliminary study of those whose community is most similar to their target audience.

This will be much easier than starting to build a community of followers from scratch , especially for small and medium-sized businesses. In addition, it will allow a greater knowledge of your potential clients and "create brand awareness and affinity."

Advertise that doesn't look like advertising
Advertising on social media is changing. This is the lesson that the Hootsuite report leaves us on the trends in social networks for 2022.

Companies continue to bet on traditional platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram, but they are beginning to increase investment in others such as TikTok .

This type of younger platforms are in full growth and entrepreneurs find it difficult to invest their money in something that they really do not know if they work or how they do it. However, it is already beginning to be seen that its scope can be greater and more effective.

But social media advertising trends for 2022 go beyond which platforms more or less money is invested in. Also the way in which advertising is offered to users continues to evolve.

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Users want to see advertising that does not look like advertising. What does this mean? We are all a little tired of the hype from brands. Those brands and companies that are creative enough to advertise without making it look like it have a lot to win .

Another important issue is that differentiated ads should be made for each social network . The audience of each of the social platforms has different characteristics and must be taken into account to know what message to launch on each of them.

Obviously this will be an effort for the marketing departments, since they will have to change the way they work and their mentality, but the results will end up being satisfactory.

More confidence in the ROI of social networks
The ROI (or return on investment) of social media is something that business owners did not have much confidence in. However, the trend is changing.

COVID-19 forced us to increase our presence on social networks serving customers, selling through them ... This, added to the improvement in terms of statistics offered by social networks or their planning tools is concerned, has caused the data that they offer us to be taken into account and more trusted .

This is essential for the strategy in social networks since this data provides us with a greater amount of information about our clients and how they interact with our content. We can complement it with the so-called listening on social networks , which will provide us with greater knowledge about what is said about us and will help to mark a more defined strategy to find new customers and retain those we already have.

In addition, knowing your audience will also help you get more out of Last Database sponsored posts or ad campaigns on social networks . Thanks to all this information you will be able to better define the type of audience to which you should direct them.

Social media as a showcase
It is nothing new to say that social networks are the perfect showcase for those who are dedicated to selling products. Nor is it to say that the coronavirus contributed to the growth of this trend. There were many SME owners who had to lower the blinds of their businesses and launch themselves on the internet and social networks as the only means to continue obtaining sales.

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Now, social networks are much more than a place to buy. In fact, it is not so much that you have the option to sell on these platforms active but that you offer your potential customers all the necessary information about your store and the products you offer.

Thus, another of the social media trends for 2022 will be to continue being a showcase for brands . But we must go step by step. The first thing you will have to d